Finish Ymir’s quest by defeating the dangerous, multi-fingered Metyr.
Metyr, Mother of Fingers, presents a daunting challenge with a variety of strong attacks.
You will come across this many-fingered enemy within the Finger Ruins of Miyr, a secret region in the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion of Elden Ring.
Metyr’s Location in the Elden Ring DLC
Metyr, Mother of Fingers, is hidden beneath the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in the northwestern part of the Realm of Shadon map.
To go to the Cathedral, travel from the Moorth Ruins to Bonny Village, then follow the northeastern road. But key to the Boss arena requires significant progress in Count Ymir’s questline.
To begin Ymir’s quest, meet him at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr. You’ll then need to explore different hallowed ruins using Ruins Maps provided during the quest.
After completing these steps, return to Ymir and exhaust his dialogue. Fast-travel to the Site of Grace at the Cathedral of Manus Metyr to refresh the location. You’ll find that Ymir has gone.
Connect with the empty throne to reveal a ladder. Descend the ladder and ring the bell at the end of the path to be transported to the ‘Finger Ruins of Miyr,’ where she awaits.
Be cautious, as the enemy ‘Sword Hand of Night Anna’ will invade you after descending the ladder. It’s wise to defeat her first, return to the Site of Grace in the Cathedral, and then face her.
Metyr’s Weakness in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC
Despite Metyr’s strong presence, the expansive Finger Ruins of Miyr provide enough space for battle. She deals both physical and magical damage but is weak to Bleed (blood loss or hemorrhage). But keep in mind that madness and sleep effects are ineffective against this boss.
Preparing for Metyr, Mother of Fingers

To successfully face Metyr, follow these tips:
- Defend Against Magic Damage: Magic damage can be tougher to avoid or block compared to Metyr’s physical attacks. Equip Lusat’s armor set from Sellen’s battle for excellent magic damage absence. For even better protection, consider Dane’s set near Bonny Village, accessible through a secret teleport coffin in Shadow Keep. Also use a Talisman with magic damage negation.
- Utilize Bleed Damage: Metyr is prone to Bleed, makes weapons with existing factors Bleeding damage highly effective.
- Eleonora’s Poleblade: Acquired from Eleonora, Violet Bloody Finger in Yura’s questline
Dual-wielding Bleed weapons is advantageous as her slow attacks are easy to avoid. On the other hand, employ Bleed-inflicting spells or incantations like Briars of Punishment (Mountaintops of the Giants), Bloodflame Blade (Liurnia), or Swarm of Flies (Mohgwyn Palace).
Bloodborne arrows, bolts, and Blood Grease (from Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 6) are also useful. Swarm Pots, crafted from Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 24, can further inflict Bleed.
- Obtain Impenetrable Thorns: This new Bleed-inflicting sorcery from Shadow of the Erdtree is especially effective against her. Find it on a corpse in the Shadow Keep’s Storehouse on the seventh floor.
- Upgrade and Equip Spirit Ashes: If your build exploits Metyr’s weaknesses, the Mimic Tear, found behind a Stonesword Key seal in Night’s Sacred Ground on the Eternal City of Nokron map, is an excellent choice. The Dung Eater Puppet, a tanky Spirit Ash that can inflict Bleed, is also great and can be purchased from Seluvis after completing his and Ranni’s quests.
- Equip Suitable Talismans: The Spelldrake Talisman +3 is great for magic damage reduction and Dragoncrest Shield Talisman +2Reduces Metyr’s physical damage (found on a corpse in Crumbling Farum Azula). If bleed strategy is being used then, Lord of Blood’s Exultation Boosts attack power when she is bleeding (located in the Leyndell Catacombs)
Strategies to Defeat Metyr, Mother of Fingers
- Slap and Slam Attacks: Metyr swings or slams her arms when you’re close. These provide opportunities to avoid towards her chest or side and attack her weak spot, the finger growth on her chest. Watch out for additional hits from her side fingers.
- Body Slam: When she raises her head and front body, dodge away before she slams down.
- Triple Body Slam: Prepare to dodge three times to avoid this rapid sequence of slams.
- Finger Spray: She rips at her chest, spraying tiny fingers and dashing at you. Dodge the dash.
- Finger Summoning: Metyr releases finger minions that you should eliminate whenever possible.
- Laser Attacks: When distant, she charges and leave a purple laser beam. Avoid through it to the right.
- Glowing Ground Explosion: She smashes her head into the ground, causing a glowing detonation. Stay between the glowing lines to avoid damage.
- Levitating Shockwave Attack: After losing 50% HP, Metyr levitates and deals magical damage in a radius. Dodge the initial damage and the final shockwave.
- Levitating Laser Attack: In the second phase, she levitates and moves a laser beam across the field. Avoid the starting damage and stay between the whirlwind and laser beams.
- Airborne Spinning Attack: When low on HP, she spins and crashes down. It’s best to outrun or block this attack.
- Magical Orbs: She levitates and summons explosive orbs. Run away to avoid damage.
Focus your attacks on the reddish finger cluster on her chest for maximum damage. Ranged builds should use Spirit Ashes for distraction and time their attacks during Metyr’s slow moves.
Defeating Metyr, Mother of Fingers, rewards you with 420,000 Runes and the Metyr, Mother of Fingers Remembrance, allowing you to continue Count Ymir’s questline.
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