3 bet is the third bet in a poker round and it happens when one player bets, second player raises and then either the first player or second player makes another raise. This second raise is a 3 bet. In this article, let’s dive deep to know 3 Bet in Poker.
Purpose and Strategy of a 3 Bet in Poker
A 3 bet is considered to be one of the most powerful moves in poker when it comes to pre-flop betting. Players are unable to respond to a 3 bet in many lower-stakes games, and very few have balanced 4 betting ranges.
By attacking a pre-flop raise, you’re giving a message that you have a strong hand, allowing you to either pick up the pot right there or proceed to the flop with an advantage.
You’ll have an upper hand on high-card boards, and on lower and middling boards, you’ll still have some advantage because of a balanced poker strategy that doesn’t restrict to only the best poker hands.
There are a few things to look at before deciding whether to play 3 bet poker or not:
- Stack sizes – When making a pre-flop 3 bet, it is essential having awareness of all relevant stack sizes. If the original raiser doesn’t have many chips or the short stacks still to act then you should tighten your 3 betting range.
- The raiser table position – When a player raises from a late position typically has a weaker range, which makes it easier to attack them with a wider range of poker hands. By raising position early shows more strength which will result to a tighter 3 betting range.
- Your hand – Your hand is essential in deciding whether to 3 bet or not. Your strongest holdings want to 3 bet almost constantly, while other poker hands are good candidates for light 3 bets, particularly against late position openers.
Types of 3 Bets

1. Value 3 Bets
These bets are made with the strongest part of our range, like AK, AQ, and big pocket pairs. The range of value 3 bet depends on the position from where the raise is coming.
2. Bluff 3 Bets
Small suited aces are among the best candidates for bluffing 3 bets as they have the ability to flop flush and straight draws which puts a lot of pressure on the opponent.
3. Semi-bluff 3 Bets
If you want to put maximum pressure and win with aggression while maintaining some equity then with certain drawing hands you should go for 3 bet poker.
Important Factors to Consider
1. Poker Game Dynamics
Game dynamics play an important role in how you construct your 3 bet range. For your starting point, you can use GTO charts, but don’t follow these charts blindly, especially is lower stakes and live games. You should first determine how a table works before determining your pre-flop strategy for a particular table in a casino.
2. Player Stack Sizes
This factor changes constantly and you should be aware of stack sizes, especially in tournaments. You don’t have to deal with short stacks in cash games, but you should be cautious when entering pots against deep stacked opponents.
When 3 betting in these situations, it’s important to have a solid plan for future bets and a general plan of what to do in a pot when you miss or make a marginal hand.
A player’s most powerful weapon in pre-flop betting is a 3 Bet. A player should know when to 3 bet, how to properly size a 3 bet, and what hands to do it with and turn down the opponents’ equity is important for a long-term success in poker.
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