The Godskin Noble is a pretty tough boss in Elden Ring located in Volcano Manor but you might also face it elsewhere, for example after the Carian Study Hall.
Let’s go through the ways of defending yourself, find out its weaknesses, as well as how to orchestrate an attack.
Flaws of the Godskin Noble
Godskin Noble is particularly vulnerable to Frost and Bleed damage and so the best approach is to use weapons that can affect the both. Swift wielding of two katanas which are held on both hands means that enemies will suffer massive damage at the certain time as this status are inflicted.
If you’re playing Int/Dex hand, Moonveil (obtained from Gael Tunnel in Caelid) with Uchigatana (in Deathtouched Catacombs, Limgrave) is a match made in heaven.
Adding the Cold affinity in Uchigatana that is enabled by the Glintstone Whetblade from Raya Lucaria to the game intensifies this factor.
For players relying on Magic or Lightning damage, these are also good against the Godskin Noble and as always, there are plenty of faith and magic weapons to choose from. Strength-based characters can boost their heavy weapons with Grease items, that include Frost or Bleed.
For example, the recipe found in Wyndham Catacombs in Altus Plateau, Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook contains all the ingredients for making Lightning Grease, while Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook in Raya Lucaria includes a recipe for Magic Grease.
There is, however, a powerful attack in this game, you can use to fend off enemies known as Black Flame, which is a powerful attack from the Godskin Noble; you must, therefore, secure yourself good fire resistance.
If you haven’t obtained the Flamedrake Talisman +2 that can be found in the Dragonbarrow Cave in the east of Caelid. This amulet will improve your fire protection and important for surviving the fight.
General Combat Strategy

Coupled with the ability to dish out rapid attacks as well as slow ones, the player is never really sure when the Godskin Noble is going to stop its combo. Mastering which attacks expose the opponent while you are immune is the secret to the success of the fighting.
When to Heal: Timing the heals is equally important. At least one pillar should always be placed between you and the boss before you take a swig from a flask because the boss will nail you with a thrust attack from across the room.
One tactic is to cast Terra Magicka at the fog gate to recharge yourself before fighting. Although this may not be necessary, it provides a slight edge of advantage when it comes to applying pressure in the initial stages.
Phase 1 Strategies
In the first phase, the Godskin Noble has thrust attacks, and swipe attacks in rapid succession randomly between them. It’s best to attack right after the Godskin Noble has dodged to the side after taking a blow. This small shift indicates that the combo is over letting you, letting you attack at the right time.
The final attack of the boss is quite powerful and can be easily done during the fight, making it very dangerous. If the Godskin Noble lifts its sword, wait until it starts coming down, count to “one, two” then roll to the side to avoid getting hit. These early maneuvers are easy to be beaten by this powerful move to return.
Also, the Godskin Noble has black flames on the greatsword. These are easier to dodge: when the boss begins to shift its left hand, come closer to its body, flee from being enclosed by fire. When it lifts its flame hand above its shoulder, it’s preparing to launch a fireball so move toward the boss and attack a few moves.
Another common move is the belly bump, though it only really hurts occasionally. If the boss raises its right leg for a slam, move back and be ready for the subsequent attack to come in. The boss is often glued to this move so it is an excellent chance to tap into a high amount of lost health.
Phase 2 Strategies
The stage that the Godskin Noble reaches half of its health and get to phase two where it lifts off the ground. Move away during this animation to avoid Black Flame attacks and simply deal damage when the boss falls down.
This phase adds a few of new attacks into the battle. The first is the Rolling attack where the boss curl up in a ball and roll across the arena. Still, it may seem quite dreadful; however, one can easily avoid it by driving into the boss of whatever approaches.
The second is lots of aggressive thrusts which can kill players in one hit if they do not notice the attack. The boss lifts its sword above its head at the start of the attack but the cue is short. Do not be overly aggressive in this phase and attack relentlessly.
The last new attack is an excellent setup for countering. When the boss lifts way up in the sky, it is about to crash down and deal damage in an area of the effect. Run towards the boss and get in several hist times during this move, as it leaves the boss vulnerable.
In Godskin Noble path you get 50,000 runes, the Godskin Stitcher weapon, the Noble Presence incantation. After defeating this boss and knocking out Irina from Volcano Manor go to the Temple of Eiglay site of grace and take a brief rest before moving further.
Also read: Where and How to Find Throwing Blades in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree